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    The Be SMART campaign was created to bring together all responsible adults to reduce suicides and the number of unintentional shootings that occur when children get a hold of an unsecured firearm.

    Sign up today to get involved in your community and one of our volunteers will be in touch!

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    The COVID-19 crisis has created new challenges for parents. Kids are out of school and spending more time at home. The boredom and isolation they may be feeling pose additional risks to their safety. Securing all guns in the home—storing them locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition—can save your child’s life.

    Learn More

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    The Be SMART framework is designed to help parents and adults normalize conversations about gun safety and take responsible actions that can prevent child gun deaths and injuries.


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    responsible behavior around guns


    about the presence
    of unsecured guns in other homes


    the role
    of guns in suicide


    peers to
    be SMART

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